Cleveland is an African American in the Family Guy series. They use Cleveland's character as a comical releif to evident daily examples of racism. In the other hand however, Cleveland is one of Peter's best friends and has a very funny voice. He is one of my favorite characters and I beleive many poeple enjoy him because of his inocence and his funny voice. Here is a video showing Cleveland being interupted during his bath by another of Peter's crazy inventions. He is always pacient but in this video he gets kind of angry. These scences were quite a hit in the series. I think its hilarious. Cleveland is sucha great character that there is even a new series with him, "The Cleveland Show." I beleive its going to be great because its from the same producers of Family Guy and it has a hilarious character on it. Lets justw ait and see. Palmeiras is facing a tough time this year.... We couldn't make it to the Libertadores by finishing at 5th place in the 2009 Brasileirão. Consequently, the team's possible reinforcements are no more. If we had qualified to the Libertadores, we would most likely have Valdivia and Kleber by now, which are fantastic players. Not only that, but we also lost players we had like Vagner Love, who is now playing for Flamengo brilliantly. Therefore, our team is currently weak. We are either losing or tying the matches now. The main reason for such a bad start is that we have no reliable offensive player playing. Who in his right mind would beleive in a team led offensively by Robert and João Arthur!? In other words pathetic. Fortunately, our team still has Lenny. Lenny had a great performance in the 2009 Paulistão. He would've probably had a good performance in the Brasileirão or even the 2009 Libertadores if he hadn't injured him self. Here is a video of his hat trick against POnte Preta in the 2009 Paulistão He also assisted Palmeiras' squad against São Paulo in the 2008 Paulistão's semi-final. This goal was the first step toward our team's victory. This year we were Champions of the Paulistão. Before coming to Palmeiras, Lenny played for Fluminesnse where he was considered one of the best. Again injuries delayed his progress but fortunately led him to Palmeiras. Here is a video of a fantastic gol he scores for Flu. Therefore, Lenny is a future promise for any club. We know he can lead a team in the Paulistão from his past perfromances and he is still 21 years old. If Muricy explores him well we may have a star for the Copa do Brasil and even the Brasileirão. For now, he can assist the team in the Paulistão, Muricy only needs to call him for the matches. I beleive in his talent and have great hopes for him, even the possibility of playing for Brasil in a World Cup one day. Let us just hope he doesn't injure him self as much now.
Chapel's newest school play is Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap. Its major difference from the last school play is that this one is not a comical one but a thrilling suspense. Thus, the ideal public would be high school students and adults.
The story is about "a homicidal maniac who stalks the snowbound guests of an imposing manor... as a group of strangers gather on an isolated island..." The guests sense peril when a police man arrives in the manor claiming one of them is an assasin. The suspect builds on as victims are made and each and everyone of the guests may be the murderer him/herself.
Since I'm part of the play I strongly reccomend you to come watch it. It will be presented April 20something(sorry I forgot the day). This year I'll be Mrs. Boyle a "large, imposing woman in a very bad temper..." The reason I'm a old lady is beacause I wanted to make Herbert's voice, from Family Guy remember? Well anyways, the voice became an issue because its funny, and the play is supossed to be serious. However, there is still a chance the voice may be used... So, if you wish to watch I guarantee you will have a good time.