Greetings, fellow readers. I've been observing some of those cool wise guys from movies. Look at the pictures at this post to have an idea of what I am talking about. Well, all of them possess a goatee. Now, there is a major understanding on the meaning of a goatie. According to dictionaries, a goatee is: a small pointed or tufted beard on a man's chin. When people read small they believe it is actually small in length and then consider the wise man's goatee( a facial hair style) a beard! Can you beleive it?! It is absurd. A goatee is a gift only the wise possess. Goatees may be long in length, not in width. Pedro and I came to the conclusion that men of goatees are chancellours and the best advisors to those who seek help from itellectuals. If you have any issue, all you need to do is find one of these man(like seen in the pictures) and ask for their help. Do not be afraid if they take a long time to respond, for they

Ahhhh . . . so is this why you guys are always giggling and stroking your chins?