There are a few days between the eerie exams and the peaceful vacations. As the semester comes to an end students tend to study feverishly to recover bad grades or improve any class' grades whatsoever. The final semester grades represent your final average which institutions will look upon in order to accept you or not. Although you may improve your GPA(grade point average) for the next semester, you should still aim for the best average possible, because as time goes by it only gets harder. Thus, the end of semester exams may be your worst foe or your best friend, since it may improve or lower your grade significantly. Therefore, students study feverishly to guarantte a good grade in the exam and improve or maintain a good grade for the class. My greatest concern is physics which I depend upon to end the year with a good average.
10 rounds ago in the Brazilian football league(Brasileirão), it seemed impossible Palmeiras would not be chmapion. Palmeiras had points ahead of the second place and even more from the rest. However, in the last eight matches, Palmeiras only won one, losing and tying the rest. It is quite embarassing for the fans because we were pratically celebrating a title we don't celebrate since 1994. Now, Sao Paulo is ahead with 3 points(one victory) and there are only 3 rounds to go before the end of the championship. I am really dissapointed because the team could've at least won 3 more games from the last 8 mathces. Since the team showed a dissapointing effort in the last amtches, we have to count with the results from other teams and win all future mathes without excuses, including Gremio( a strong team) at the Olimpico( their stadium/home).
I am really sad because I am a big fan and I was hoping the team could win this year. I beleive Palmeiras' flaw is the lack consistency found in our players and the team as well. The good players can only play well some matches and the team could not even remain leader with the help of the five leading points. It is sad....
Glen Quagmire is a secondary character of Family Guy which brings in a a different type of humor. He could be easily described as a player/ womanizer because most of the type he is playing around with a woman. The series takes advantage of his "hyper sexuality" to make jokes out of the routine. Most of his jokes feature his wanton and deviant sexual behavior whihc could not be explored by another charcter but him. When Glen is sexually aroused, he usually uses his catchphrase: "giggity giggity goo" (sometimes shortened to simply "giggity" or slowing it down, replacing "goo" with "gi-ggi-ty").
During the series he finds him self in akward and embarrising situations which he is mostly not ashamed of. One of them include his passion for Louis( Peter's wive). Whenever she has a fight with Peter, he asks if she is available. HE also steals some of her personal objects such as toothbrush and hair brush to put the in a sex doll he has.ANother one is when he has sex with his freind's(Cleveland) wife. I consider him funny because of his jokes and his good humor most of the time.
The book, The Archer's Tale is the first novel from the trilogy of the Grail Series. The triology was wirtten by Bernard Cornwell, one of the best writers alive in my opinion, and it portrays the life of a skilled English archer called Thomas of Hookton(Thomas Vexille he later finds out). The story takes place in Europe( basically Britain, France and Normandy) during the mid 14th century, or, the 100 Years War between France and England. After the raid over his peaceful village of Hookton and the assasination of his father, Thomas makes a promise to pursue the assasin, which is known as Harlequin(devil warrior) and turns out to be his cousin. By making this promise, Thomas embarks on a quest that makes of him a great archer of the English army and an explorer of the holy grail. It is an extremely interesting book and even though it posseses some fiction it still teaches a lot about history including a deep description of the english archers. I strongly reccommmend any one reading this post to buy this book and read it because you will learn quite a lot about this century as well as having a fun leasure time reading it.
Meg is certaintly the most riduculed character in Family Guy. The whole family detests her and Peter even forgets she is his daughter sometimes. During the episodes there is always a moment for people to make fun of her, and the funniest thing is the series does not change it. She is mocked and mocked for ever, making of her a comical releif for kids parents hate. If someone has to be risked in the family, Meg is always the chosen one. Nevertheless, there are some episodes she starts out ok and seems to have a chance to change her life. the end she always ends up in bad shoes. In the video below, is a perfect example of how useless she is considered by the family.
I think that Meg's character, despite being considered uselss, is very important to the series. It brings a different humour and causes the episodes to become more dynamic. If she didn't exist, there wouldn't be a scapegoat for all the random flaws that occur within the family, and the funny scenes where Peter or any other character mocks her would not happen. Certainly she plays an important role in the plot. Whoever watches or watched Family Guy, certantly knows Peter Griffin. Man of the family and leader of the Griffins Household, Peter helds too much responsibility for his naiveness. During the series Peter noramally carries the family to desaster only to save them at the end with a random idea.What makes Peter unique though, is his immense stupidity, his laughs(yehee yehee), and his hatred to his daughter Meg. IN my opinion he is the funniest character of Family Guy, however he is not my favourite one. Nevertheless, I guarantee that whoever watches Peter Griffin doing anything will have a great time and laugh a lot. Here are some quotes from the amazing Peter Griffin: Bonnie: Somebody save him, he can't swim! Peter: Oh, he's not even kicking. Kick Joe, kick. Lois: Peter, he's a paraplegic! Peter: That doesn't mean he can't hear. Kick Joe, kick!
Peter (after Lois tells him he's childish): "If I'm a child that means you're a pedophile, and I'll be damned if i'm going stand here and take this from a pervert."
What is Winning Eleven? Well, it is simply the best phenomenol football videogame ever. The only people who don't enjoy it are the ones who can't play it well. These people then decide to play Fifa, a reasonably good football videogame, which has much to improve before becoming comparable to Winnign Eleven. Now,who is Nuno Gomes? Nuno Gomes is an average Portuguese player who spent most of his life playing for Benfica. He has scored more than 150 goals for it and is today the captain of the team and favorite player of the crowd. Those who understand the game must be wondering why is he my favorite player in the game? The answer is simple: because he simply is. His technique is not as good as Cristiano Ronaldo's, his body balance is not the same as Adriano's, and his speed is far away from Kaka. What makes him unique to me is his header and scoring skills. Even though they are not orange or red skills(90-100) like Ronaldo's and Ibrahimovic's, they are pretty good. Nevertheless, eventhough he is an average player I make of him a destroyer and he makes of me a winner. Many victims were made, some from school such as: Nicholas and Lucas Wever, David Zagury, Kevin Yoon, Daniel Couso, ANdre Texeira, Santiago Riveiros,etc. Therefore, he is a regular player but with me he is perfect... Any one wanting to face him just send me a post.... Goood luck!(you will need it)
After many centuries, our country is finally looked upon as a magnificent one by the world. In 2014, Brazil will house the most important championship(the FIFA World Cup)of the most popular sport in the world,football . Needless to mention, the Brazilians were filled with joy, for football is a healthy disease in our country. All Brazilians are insane for football, in fact, some some start a good or bad week depending on their team's result during the weekend. Therefore, the Fifa World Cup taking place in Brazil was great news.
Not only will Brazil house the Fifa World Cup, but it will have the honor to house the most watched sporting event in the world, the Olympic Games, in its wonderful city of Rio de Janeiro in 2016. During the Olympic Games 33 sports in diverse categories are played and several athletes participate breaking records and honoring their country. In 2016 Brazil will turn its eyes to Rio de Janeiro and the world will turn its eyes to Brazil.
Through this great sporting events, our culture and history will be shown to the world. Hopefully, other countries will see how Brazil is a great and progressing country despite of what the media shows. By the Fifa World Cup and the Olympic Games, Brazil will reveal its magnificance to the world.
Herbert the Pervert is one of my favorite characters in the series of Family Guy. Herbert is an old pedofile man who has a voracious attraction to Chris, middle sibling of the Griffins. Various different situations lead Chris to encounter Herbert, be it because he broke the old man's window or in the Family GuyStar Wars episode. Nevertheless, it is comical how everyone is naive and don't seem to realize Herbert is a pedofile pervert even though he shows it in an unbeleivably ridiculous obvious way. Only Meg is able to perceive this detail, but everyone ignores her because she is Meg(a hopeless case). In this video(below) one can easily see what type of person Herbert is. The fans of the series might have noticed that, throughout the seasons Herbert is desperate to find a young boy's company. His whistling soft voice just makes his character hilarious and unique. I actually enjoy making an impression of Herbert the Pervert. Just the voice of course.
Charlie and The Candy Mountain is the first of several episodes of the series of adventures of Charlie the unicorn created by TypeQueen. Charlie is a regular unicorn without the "fantasy exaggerated happinness" most unicorns portrait in cartoons and movies. Charlie is simply a common folk who likes to sleep and watch T.V like any regular guy nowadays. However, two other unicorns who share the annoying fantasy habbit to seek adventures, enjoy disturbing Charlie and taking him away form his regular life. When Charlie is pratically forced to go along with them,"things usually go bad..."-Charlie. What I enjoy about the episodes is how Charlie is mixed up in this fairy like land. He is just a regular guy who wants to relax but is never able to do so because of the two other annoying unicorns. What is ironic and hilarious about these unicorns though, is how they seem naive, but are actually pretty evil. When Charlie is coerced to embark on an adventure with them, he loses his kidney and in the next episode loses his T.V. Therefore, both "inocent and sweet" unicorns steal Charlie's kideny and T.V. Another thing I enjoy about the series is how unicorns are portraited as mean and only seem to be sweet and nice. I always knew unicorns were mean and always hated to watch cartoons which envolved them.
All goes swell until John Beckwith falls in love to Claire Cleary(Rachel McAdams), daughter of the Secretary of Defense, William Cleary(Christopher Walken). Parallel to this Gloria Cleary(Isla Fisher), sister of Clair Cleary, is obessed to Jeremy and invites him and John to spend the weeekend at their house in the island. Obedient to the rules of wedding crashing Jeremy refuses but John agrees to go and with Gloria's insistence they go. There John tries to stay with Clair which is dating an immature man, Zack Lodge(Bradley Cooper), Jeremy tries to stay away from the crazy Gloria and her gay brother Todd Cleary, and Zack tries to find out who they really are since the family seems to like them so much. This whole confusion only makes the film better and for anyone reading this blog I strongely reccommend it for the cast is awesome and the plot is magnificent( I'm not embarrased to say I've watched it more than 10 times).
Needless to say, the Tenis Princess, Maria Sharapova is a perfect women. Her personality and her inordinant beauty make of her one of the most seeked women in the world.
If I had the wish to make any woman in the world fall in love for me I'd make the fastest decision in my life and choose her. Wraping up, Maria Sharapova is perfect for me.
Stewie Griffin is an evil baby genius who is obssesed in world domination and matricide. His role in the ficticional series of Family Guy is of an antagonist and he is popularly considered the breakout character of the series. His distinct characteristics of being a baby and yet being an evil genius who read novels such as the GodFather and creates the most advanced techonology in order to complete his dream of world domination and the killing of Louis(his mom) are just brilliant. Another ironic trait is that even though he is so mature in many aspects, he still carries a babies' behavior, like for example pooing in his pants and breast feeding.
What makes Stewie so funny in my opinion is his swift change in characteristic; in one second he is playing with toys and in the other he is driving a plane or discussing with intellectuals. His interaction with the dog of the Griffin family, Brian is hilarious as well. As funny as it sounds the only one at the house who really knows him and talks with him is the dog. Their scenes together are definitely one of the reasons I enjoy seeing Family Guy.
Here are some quotes of Stewie Griffin: Stewie: How you uh, how you comin' on that novel you're working on? Huh? Gotta a big, uh, big stack of papers there? Gotta, gotta nice litte story you're working on there? Your big novel you've been working on for 3 years? Huh? Gotta, gotta compelling protaganist? Yeah? Gotta obstacle for him to overcome? Huh? Gotta story brewing there? Working on, working on that for quite some time? Huh? (voice getting higher pitched) Yea, talking about that 3 years ago. Been working on that the whole time? Nice little narrative? Beginning, middle, and end? Some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends? At the end your main character is richer from the experience? Yeah? Yeah? (voice returns to normal) No, no, you deserve some time off. ( Stewie is reffering to Brian's novel)
Meg (about Peter being retarded): I can never go to school again!Stewie: Oh, yes, Meg, yes-yes yes, everything was going swimmingly for you until this. Yes, yes, THIS is the thing that will ruin your reputation, not your years of grotesque appearance, or your awkward social graces, or that Felix Ungerish way you clear your sinuses, no no no, it's THIS. Do you hear yourself talk? I might kill you tonight.( )
Last Saturday, August 24, Palmeiras won the match against Internacional with the score of 2x1. The victory was somehow expected since Palmeiras was playing in its magnificent home, Palestra Italia. It was not however guaranteed. The players gave a lot of themselves in this important match and presented a significant improvement in the attack. Internacional which was close by Palmeiras in the tournament with the difference of 4 points and 2 games behind was a dangerous opponent fighting for the leadership. Thus the victory could be considered a victory of "6 points" since Palmeiras wins the 3 points with the victory and another 3 points for gaining an advantage of 3 more points against a direct opponent.
Palmeiras' fans have more to smile at apart from the victory. The direct opponents that are close by at the Brazilian Tournament lost this weekend. São Paulo lost 1x0 against Atletico Paranaense and Atletico Mineiro lost the amtch against Gremio with the score of 4x1. The only direct opponent close by Palmeiras now is Goias which won Santo with the score of 2x1. The tournament table now has Palmeiras remaing as leader with 40 poinst, with Goias on its tail with 38 points, São Paulo at third with 36 points and Avai at fourth with 34 points.
Fans can't talk abouth this match without mentioning Diego Souza outcast of the match. Diego Souza was elected best player of the match with the grade of 8,5 (outstanding). With the whole team's support and this player's outstanding performance's at the match, the victory was acheived.