Whoever watches or watched Family Guy, certantly knows Peter Griffin. Man of the family and leader of the Griffins Household, Peter helds too much responsibility for his naiveness. During the series Peter noramally carries the family to desaster only to save them at the end with a random idea.What makes Peter unique though, is his immense stupidity, his laughs(yehee yehee), and his hatred to his daughter Meg. IN my opinion he is the funniest character of Family Guy, however he is not my favourite one. Nevertheless, I guarantee that whoever watches Peter Griffin doing anything will have a great time and laugh a lot.
Here are some quotes from the amazing Peter Griffin:
Bonnie: Somebody save him, he can't swim!
Peter: Oh, he's not even kicking. Kick Joe, kick.
Lois: Peter, he's a paraplegic!
Peter: That doesn't mean he can't hear. Kick Joe, kick!
Peter (after Lois tells him he's childish): "If I'm a child that means you're a pedophile, and I'll be damned if i'm going stand here and take this from a pervert."
really funny video!