Meg is certaintly the most riduculed character in Family Guy. The whole family detests her and Peter even forgets she is his daughter sometimes. During the episodes there is always a moment for people to make fun of her, and the funniest thing is the series does not change it. She is mocked and mocked for ever, making of her a comical releif for kids parents hate. If someone has to be risked in the family, Meg is always the chosen one. Nevertheless, there are some episodes she starts out ok and seems to have a chance to change her life. However...in the end she always ends up in bad shoes. In the video below, is a perfect example of how useless she is considered by the family.
I think that Meg's character, despite being considered uselss, is very important to the series. It brings a different humour and causes the episodes to become more dynamic. If she didn't exist, there wouldn't be a scapegoat for all the random flaws that occur within the family, and the funny scenes where Peter or any other character mocks her would not happen. Certainly she plays an important role in the plot.
Oh wow. Poor girl. Nice use of the term "comical relief." Though isn't most of this show non-stop comical relief?