Hey guys! As I watched Inglourious Basterds, I was stupefied by Christoph Waltz's performance. Amazingly, he spoke four distinct languages fluently in the movie, French, German, English, and Italian. I had no knowledge of his existence before watching the movie, and I can't beleive it, because it seems impossible having such an actor pass by unnknnown. Nevertheless, I was eagerly awaiting the oscar ceremony, hoping Waltz would win an Oscar for best Actor in Supporting Role. When I found out he'd already been nominated I just knew he would win the Oscar. Little are those actors who can incorporate a character so well. As matter of fact, I only know a few. Al Pacino( Scent of a Women ), Robert Downey Junior( Tropic Thunder), Matt Damon( Bourne Triology), and Marlon Brando ( God Father). Here is a video of Waltz's thanks for the Oscar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eve8MDTiF7M
Well, I can't just describe his brilliant performance and expect you readers to imagine his talent. I strongly suggest any of you reading to watch this short video( and the movie if you had not watched it) of one of my favorite scenes in the movie. After watching it, I am sure you will enjoy him. Have Fun! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgKwHHG7nXc
Waltz was amazing! I loved his character even though he was such an evil person.